Institute for Collaborative Working International Award 2021
Sydney, Australia 16th December 2021: Network Rail Consulting has been awarded the 2021 International award for Collaborative Working by The Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW).
Network Rail Consulting is the System Integrator for the delivery of the European Train Control System Level 2 onto the Sydney rail network. The System Integrator is an integral part of the Digital Systems Program delivering a complex technology using multiple international suppliers from across eight countries.
The NRC leadership team together with our client, Transport for New South Wales, set a coherent vision to generate a strong level of trust amongst participants and create an effective collaborative approach. A collaborative approach was critical because:
- The program is large and technologically complex;
- There is a governmental commitment to greater industry collaboration; and
- Multiple global suppliers and numerous key stakeholders are involved.
Eight organisations across eight countries involving 190 staff are collaborating successfully to deliver the program. Transport for New South Wales required the experience of deliverers and suppliers of European Train Control System Level 2, from across the world.
Nigel Ash commented: “As the Global Managing Director of Network Rail Consulting, I am immensely proud to have accepted the Institute for Collaborative Working International Award presented to Network Rail Consulting earlier this evening for its collaborative work with Transport for New South Wales on the Digital Systems Program in Sydney, Australia.
The award is testament to the fantastic collaborative efforts of our integrated project team in Sydney.”
Derek Frend (NRC Project Director) and Vincent Chiu (Director, ETCS, Digital Systems Program) at Transport for NSW commented: “we are both extremely proud of the Award from the Institute of Collaborative Working, who has recognised the fantastic collaborative approach taken in Sydney on the Digital Systems Program. Well done to everyone on the Team”.
For further information, contact:
Sam Clarke, [email protected]
Notes to Editors
About Network Rail Consulting
- Network Rail Consulting is a wholly owned subsidiary of Network Rail and was established in 2012 to benchmark Network Rail’s capabilities in the international market and enhance the capabilities of its staff through international experience which could then be deployed back into its UK operations.
- The board of directors of Network Rail Consulting comprises Jeremy Westlake (non-executive chair), Nigel Ash (global managing director), Andrew Noble (finance director), Ian Dobbs (nonexecutive director), and Nick King (non-executive director).
- Network Rail Consulting has subsidiaries in Australia, Canada and the USA; and operates from offices in Boston, London (HQ), Melbourne, New York, Riyadh, Sacramento, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto and Washington DC.
- Network Rail Consulting is selling the full range of rail expertise available within Network Rail including asset management, maintenance planning and optimisation, timetabling and simulation modelling, technical assistance and interim management; and project and programme management.
More information can be found at
About Network Rail
Network Rail owns and operates Britain’s rail infrastructure network – one of the world’s most intensively used rail networks. Our network is the fifth busiest rail network in the world and the second busiest in Europe. We:
- Provide a safe and efficient national railway network that carries over 1.8 billion passenger journeys, 16.6 billion tonne kilometres of freight and 7 million train movements every year;
- Own, maintain and operate 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels and embankments and thousands of signals;
- Operate 20 major stations which handle 800 million passenger journeys and own 2,500 other stations, which are leased to train operators;
- Employ 42,000 people in asset management, operations, maintenance, renewals, and enhancement projects; and
- Have an annual turnover of over £8bn, with capital expenditure of over £5bn per annum.