Network Rail Consulting presents at NATRANS 2015
David Milburn, technical head of signalling & control systems at Network Rail Consulting, Middle East, joined the panel at the NATRANS conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE to present on 'The Challenges of Moving from a Construction Project to an Operational Railway', on Sunday 25 October 2015.
The paper focused on the demands of developing a local railway and establishing a professional asset management capability whilst creating a strong safety culture. It offered the opportunity for 2,500 visitors from throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to gain an increased awareness of operational planning and learn from our own experience in the UK.
David is currently providing Signalling & Telecommunications (S&T) and Asset Management expertise to Saudi Arabian Railways (SAR) on the North-South Railway (NSR), this is the largest railway project in the world that is currently under construction. This is the longest ETCS Level 2 implementation anywhere in the world (2,750 km). David has led a review (gap analysis) of the current Operation & Maintenance (O&M) arrangements across all functions and development of a three year Transformation Programme to enable SAR to realise their aspiration of becoming a world class O&M organisation and to achieve SAR’s corporate objectives and service levels. In support of the Transformation Programme NRC are developing the Asset Management System and the associated documentation (Policies, Strategies, Standards and Processes etc.).
Download David's presentation HERE
NATRANS is a highly focused technology event welcoming government representatives from across the Arab Union who are responsible for national and regional transport infrastructure planning, development, maintenance and future system upgrades for road, rail and maritime projects.