Network Rail Consulting (NRC) will be attending AusRAIL PLUS this year at the International Convention Centre in Sydney from Monday 28 February to Wednesday 2 March 2022.
Institute for Collaborative Working International Award 2021
Network Rail Consulting has been awarded the 2021 International award for Collaborative Working by The Institute for Collaborative Working (ICW).
Smart Thinking for Optimisation of Assets
In the past decade, the Australian Railway industry has been experiencing change ranging...
Women’s Equality Day
We stand by our commitment to achieving #GenderParity and will act with integrity to ensure equal rights for all gender identities.
International Women in Engineering Day - June 2021
NRC celebrates the amazing work that our female engineers and team members are doing by sharing some short stories from around the world.
Network Rail Consulting’s TfNSW Digital Systems Integration Contract Extended to 2024
Network Rail Consulting (NRC) is pleased to announce that its Australian subsidiary’s System Integrator contract for the Digital Systems Program with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has been extended to 2024.
Adam Boughton as New State Manager, Victoria, Australia
Adam Boughton joins Network Rail Consulting (NRC) in the new role of State Manager, Victoria, Australia
Reducing Railroad / Transit Costs
A Case Study from the UK – A Matter of Survival in Today’s COVID-19 World.
NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate the history
Network Rail Consulting’s Infrastructure Maintenance Expert, Emma Whitehead, Announced as Winner of This Year’s Young Rail Professional Award
Emma Whitehead, announced as winner of this year’s Young Rail Professional Award