  • Digital railway v3

Digital Systems – System Integrator

Client: Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW)

Location: Sydney

Start date: 2018

End date: 2024

Duration: 66 months

Services provided: Project Development, Program Management, Project Safety, Systems Engineering & Integration, Stakeholder Management, Testing & Commissioning

Digital Systems - System Integrator

The Digital Systems program will replace legacy signalling and train controls with modern, internationally proven, intelligent systems consisting of three elements:

  • Replacing lineside signalling equipment with European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2 in-cab signalling technology;
  • Implementing Automatic Train Operation (ATO); and
  • Introducing a Traffic Management System (TMS) to provide more flexible regulation across the network.

Digital Systems - System Integrator

Network Rail Consulting (NRC) was the Systems Integrator contracted to deliver an international team, capable of integrating ETCS Level 2 across the Sydney rail network. NRC led a team of 50 technical, operational and system engineering experts to deliver the program.

Digital Systems - System Integrator

The NRC key project outputs are centred around two distinct phases of work, these being:

  • System Definition – the phase of the Program where the requirements and specifications for the System and Subsystems were developed and agreed, and other project planning and initiation activities were undertaken; and
  • System Implementation - phase of the Program during which the System was built, implemented, tested, commissioned and put into revenue service. This included the roll out of the new technologies to the wider Sydney Trains network.

NRC manage activities including:

  • Oversight of Other Contractors (AEOs) design, build and test of Subsystems;
  • Management of System Integration Testing; and
  • Leading Operational Readiness.

This management is underpinned by System Engineering and Systems & Safety Assurance and Technical Interface Management and Services Management.

Our responsibilities for the System Implementation phase also include:

  • Technical Advisory Services;
  • Define and Develop Operational Standards;
  • Business Readiness and Schedule Support; and
  • Program Management and Portfolio level Integration Support.