Digital Systems – System Integrator
Client: Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW)
Location: Sydney
Start date: 2018
Services provided: Project Development, Program Management, Project Safety, Systems Engineering & Integration, Stakeholder Management, Testing & Commissioning
Digital Systems - System Integrator
The Digital Systems program will replace legacy signalling and train controls with modern, internationally proven, intelligent systems consisting of three elements:
- Replacing lineside signalling equipment with European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2 in-cab signalling technology;
- Implementing Automatic Train Operation (ATO); and
- Introducing a Traffic Management System (TMS) to provide more flexible regulation across the network.
Digital Systems - System Integrator
Network Rail Consulting (NRC) is the Systems Integrator contracted to deliver an international team, capable of integrating ETCS Level 2 across the Sydney rail network. Partnering with Ineco, Go-Ahead and Acmena, NRC are leading a team of around 50 technical, operational and system engineering experts to deliver the program.
Digital Systems - System Integrator
The NRC key project outputs are centred around two distinct phases of work, these being:
- System Definition – the phase of the Program where the requirements and specifications for the System and Subsystems are developed and agreed, and other project planning and initiation activities are undertaken; and
- System Implementation - phase of the Program during which the System is built, implemented, tested, commissioned and put into revenue service.
NRC manage activities including:
- Oversight of Other Contractors (AEOs) design, build and test of Subsystems;
- Management of System Integration Testing; and
- Leading Operational Readiness.
This management is underpinned by System Engineering and Systems & Safety Assurance and Technical Interface Management and Services Management.
Our responsibilities for the System Implementation phase also include:
- Technical Advisory Services;
- Define and Develop Operational Standards;
- Business Readiness and Schedule Support; and
- Program Management and Portfolio level Integration Support.