  • Associate Director, Project & Program Management
  • Sydney

Darren Choytooa

Darren has over 10 years’ of experience within the Rail sector, with a knowledge and skillset across Operations, Maintenance, Business and Performance Improvement and Transformation.

Darren joined Network Rail Consulting in June 2018, and has worked on projects spanning a number of disciplines including timetable change, business readiness and incident management. Most recently Darren is deployed as part of Network Rail Consulting’s Systems Integration team, helping to oversee the integration of Sydney’s flagship re-signalling program.

Darren’s initial career was with Network Rail Infrastructure Limited in the UK – positioned within the route on the South West of England. Darren joined as a Graduate trainee in 2010 before gaining experience as an Operations Incident Controller and progressing through Business Improvement positions to become the Infrastructure Performance Manager. Darren’s first position in Australia, before joining Network Rail Consulting, was with Sydney Trains as a Design Interface Manager.

Darren has a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences and is a founding member of the Australian branch of the Institute of Railway Operators.

Darren is based in Sydney.