
Asset policy

Network Rail has extensive experience of delivering assurance services reinforced by its outstanding safety culture and performance record. We are an industry-leader in the implementation of processes and tools in assurance and compliance to provide continuous improvement.

Asset policy

Customers need to be confident that the application of company standards, policies and procedures are being applied consistently to deliver a safe and reliable service.

From initial specifications through interpretation, implementation, constraint by funds, resources or access, the customer needs to understand whether compliance is achieved and where not the level of risk they may have and how it can be managed or mitigated.

Asset policy

We have a team of technically competent individuals who can provide a range of monitoring or auditing assurance services. These can include:

  • practical and technical advice on the interpretation and implementation of policy, standards and specifications, including the application of controls or risk management
  • assurance that new infrastructure is being designed and constructed with safety by design, lowest whole life cost and Operations and Maintenance requirements are built in
  • a structured process that gives assurance that suppliers are delivering products and systems that are fit-for-purpose and meet safety reliability requirements
  • the development of cost effective audit protocols
  • advice on effectiveness of current assurance regimes
  • KPI development, collation, interpretation and reporting
  • benchmarking of activities, both internally and externally
  • independent and impartial audits or audit support
  • incident and accident investigation.
  • Asset Management Improvement Programme Model (AMIP)

    Over the past five years, in a bi-lateral arrangement with the Rail Regulator and its Independent Reporter, we have had our asset management capability assessed in 23 areas using the Asset Management Excellence Model (AMEM).

    Recommendations against these 23 areas have been translated into an Asset Management Improvement Roadmap which is being delivered by the AMIP via the 7 workstreams below.

  • Track Asset Policy

    Improvements we have made in our track policies have reduced whole life cycle costs by greater than 10%, achieved by extending the life of existing assets without increasing risks, simply through a greater appreciation of cost / risk trade offs.

    We have since applied the learning from our experiences on track to our other asset groups and have released similar efficiencies on them too.

  • Cost Models

     The development of Our Lifecycle Cost Models has allowed us to understand the longer-term implications of Policy choices allowing consideration of alternative investment levels including Lowest first cost and Optimal Whole Life Cost, allowing us to tailor our activity to available funding levels.

  • Buildings & Civils Asset Management (BCAM) Transformation Programme

    The successful delivery of a 2-year programme to improve the safe and efficient management of structures and earthwork assets. This included the production of risk-based policies supported by detailed modelling and data analysis.

  • Signalling Asset Policy

    Improved appreciation of the mechanisms of degradation and associated changes in the reliability of our signalling equipment have allowed us to reduce maintenance activity without reducing established levels of performance, this has reduced maintenance costs by greater than 5% against previous levels.
