- Director, Railway Operations
- Sydney
Marcus Askell
Marcus has over 25 years' rail business experience in operations and engineering departments, 15 of these years in management roles and in recent years as Professional Head. He has extensive experience of leading and managing large multi-stakeholder projects across the UK. Marcus also has significant international business experience having represented UK rail in European and International settings.
Marcus joined Network Rail Consulting in April 2023 to lead the Operational Readiness elements of the Digital Systems Project for Transport for New South Wales and Sydney Trains, rolling out ETCS Level 2 across various parts of the rail network in Sydney.
Prior to joining NRC, Marcus was based in the UK working as the Head of Fleet Engineering and New Technology Introduction at the Rail Delivery Group, this involved him supporting Train Operators, with his teams owning National Fleet Performance Programmes, developing and consulting Rail Standards, and leading Digital Systems Groups. As well as being an ERTMS SME, Marcus worked closely with Operators, Owning Groups, the Supply Chain, Network Rail and the DfT to plan, equip and support the roll out of Digital Signalling, spending time in Europe representing GB Rail alongside other Member State organisations.
Marcus is a member of the Chartered Management Institute. He has a management degree, diploma’s in Engineering, PRINCE and AMPM Project Management, Health and Safety, Quality systems, Competency Assessment, and Technical Trainer Qualifications.
Marcus is based in Sydney.